Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
does your phone ring in us
what are your business hours
can i call any of your clients for a testimonial
how long have you been in business
are your web design costs one time
do you offer 100% free seo analysis of a website

do you offer emergency after hours support
do you charge any late fees or penalties on the delinquent invoices
will we get a chance to review and suggest modifications to the website before it is launched
can you help us get listed in search engines
can you create a logo to go with our web site
what is your typical turn around time
what is cms or a content management system
The facility to update a website’s content directly without any reliance on a web development partner is an essential tool for many business owners. Good use of a Content Management System(CMS) brings clear business benefits by improving a website’s effectiveness.
What Is A Content Management System?
Unlike much Information Technology(IT) terminologies, the definition of “Content Management System” is fairly intuitive: it is a system that enables you, the website owner, to update your website’s content without having the programming skills and knowledge. Most importantly, a CMS makes it possible to change the content on your website without the involvement of your website designer.
How Could I Use A Content Management System On My Website?
The ability to manage the content on your website gives you the freedom to publish a variety of information. Typical uses for a CMS include publishing:
- News, Announcements and Press Releases
- Research Documents/ Content Management
- Online Presentations
- Articles and Newsletters
- Product Details
- Special Offers
- Testimonials and Case Studies
- Vacancies and Personal Profiles
- Useful Links
- Online Resources and Downloads
What Are The Business Benefits Of A Content Management System?
You will benefit by implementing a CMS for a number of reasons:
Lower website maintenance costs.
The immediate benefit is financial. Updating your own website, rather than paying a website designer to make changes on your behalf, will save you money.
Using a CMS usually incurs a fixed charge which does not vary with the number of changes you make. Therefore, the more you use your CMS, the lower the “per change” cost. When a website designer makes changes on your behalf, they will charge for each change and so the “per change” cost is never reduced.
Using a Content Management System can reduce an on-going website costs:
- Using a Content Management System means you can update your website without needing to install specialist software on your computer or learn new technical skills.
- Using a Content Management System means you can display content on your website more creatively, which will engage visitors and make your website more rewarding.
- Using a Content Management System to add topical content to your website will raise your site’s profile in search engines, which will encourage a higher number of visits to your website.
- Using a Content Management System can reduce on-going website costs.
- Using a Content Management System enables you to add timely and topical content to your website.
A Content Management System is an essential tool for many business owners and it can improve a website’s effectiveness by offering visitors timely and engaging content. Perhaps a Content Management System will help you transform your [[nw:website]]… so your customers regard it as a valuable and vibrant source of information and you can depend on it as a regular source of business inquiries and/or knowledge-based.
after you have designed our website can we manage it ourselves easily
If you have purchased a CMS, Content Management System, from us then you can make any and all changes to the entire content of your website. The only time you will ever need our help would be when you want a new feature added to your site or a major change made to the design.
can i use my existing website address if i host with you
can you make clean html and non flash corporate websites also
have you built a site like mine before
Some sites require advanced features to perform special functions and Lunar IT Solutions has great in-depth experience to meet those needs. It would be unlikely that we had not had experience with the required web site functions needed. We have worked with a wide range of clientele as evident from our portfolio.
can you make a site like, e-bay, myspace, youtube, facebook etc. for me
can i have a site that looks like this
do i have to host my website with you
can you host our website and register our domain name
Level 1 Hosting Package
$240/year (Static Website Hosting with True Bandwidth and cPanel)
Level 2 Hosting Package
$360/year (MySQL Database Website Hosting with True Bandwidth and cPanel)
Domain Names are $15 per year. We provide with custom email accounts and a fantastic control panel to check your web visitor stats and manage your files, etc.
how does your web design process work
where are you located
i live in michigan you are in arizona how can we work with you
Everything that you need to inspect is placed on the World Wide Web as during development, materials and communications move easily by Toll Free Numbers, Emails, Faxes, and Instant Messenger on a routine basis. Although we welcome our clients to meet with us here in Tucson, we have not met 95% of our customers in person. You don’t need to meet us to convey your ideas, we have expertise in this domain and we will understand your requirements easily.
The internet allows you to choose from the best web developers in the world and still get better, faster service than the shop across town can provide — and after all, that is what you’ll be using the web to offer your own clients, isn’t it? After all, on the Web, all distances are equal to zero.
And honestly, it is very unlikely that a client will visit their local company because of tight schedules or anything else and finally end up talking on the phone after all. Working with your web developers and designers over the Internet is faster, more convenient, and more efficient than spending time arranging in-person meetings. We work in shifts thus, it allows us to answer phone calls during business hours in both east coast and west coast.
what areas do you serve
why are your prices so low for your excellent quality is this a scam are there hidden charges
If you are wondering how we can charge as much as 50% less than our competition and still be in business; there are a number of things to consider:
Clients – The first thing to consider is the importance of our clients. We believe that our clients always come first. We like to be able to cater to their needs and wants. Without clients, we have no business. Without business, we cannot make money. So with that in mind, we always make sure we take care of them and we are sure they would recommend us through word of mouth which in-turn brings our marketing cost down.
Promotion and Advertising – We choose the way we promote our web design business very carefully and ensure every promotional dollar pays for itself. We’ve spent a lot of time researching in this field. This is what our business is about, “Web Design and Internet Promotion”. So, we take this to the extreme. We find the absolute best values for money, as well as the most popular ones that may cost a little more. We look at every different angle of advertising and promoting in order to promote our company and to keep expenses down while keeping prices low.
Co-Creation – We need your support to finish the website in a timely manner to keep our costs down. For this to happen, we expect you to give us contents on time and all milestone that requires your action, such as approving design mockups or web design changes acknowledged on time.
Home-Based Offices – This is another arrangement that enables us to save on the monthly rent for an extravagant office space and related bills so that we can share the savings with our clients such as yourself by charging much lower prices than majority of our competitors.
i am a small home business do you work with individuals
do you design adult websites
the quality of your work is awesome do you receive similar compliments often
Thank you once again!